Batman Detective Comics # 1060

Batman Detective Comics # 1060

Item# newitem575326945

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: Batman Detective Comics # 1060 (Vol II). PUBLISHER: DC Comics. WRITER(S) Mariko Tamaki, Nadia Shammas, Sina Grace. ARTIST: Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, David Lapham. COVER ARTIST: Ivan Reis, Danny Miki. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 5 / 24 / 2022. COVER PRICE: $4.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Crime, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "THE SEVEN" Pt 2. "GOTHAM GIRL, INTERRUPTED" Pt 2. SUMMARY: Batman has deployed one of his most powerful weapons in the hunt for the mysterious bomber plaguing Gotham City…but it’s not the Batmobile, the Batwing, or even the batarangs. It’s Bruce Wayne! As Bruce investigates the courtroom bombing that nearly left Deb Donovan’s daughter a splatter on the wall, could there be…love in the air?

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: The Riddler, Batman.

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