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BOOM! STUDIOS: Ghostlore # 9. Grim # 16.
DARKHORSE COMICS: Minor Threats: The Fastest Way Down # 1. Mortal Terror # 3. Time Traveler Tales # 5. Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow # 1.
DC COMICS: Batman # 146. Birds Of Prey # 8. Blue Beetle # 8. Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong # 1 (5th Print). Kneel Before Zod # 4. Poison Ivy # 21. Scooby-Doo Where Are You # 127. SHAZAM! # 10. Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum # 3. Superman '78 The Metal Curtain # 6. The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries # 4.
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT: (Disney) Villains Cruella De Vil # 3. Kong: The Great War # 5. Red Sonja: Empire Of The Damned # 1.
IDW PUBLISHING: Beneath The Trees, Where Nobody Sees # 2 (3rd Print). Godzilla vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II # 1. Sonic The Hedgehog: Fang The Hunter # 3.
IMAGE COMICS: Crave # 2 (2nd Print). Crave # 3 (2nd Print). Crave # 5. Deep Cuts # 6. Geiger # 1. Gunslinger # 30. Hack Slash Kill Your Idols # 1. Kaya # 17. Love Everlasting # 14. Redcoat # 1. Rook Exodus # 1. Savage Dragon # 269. The One Hand # 3. The Sacrificers # 7. Transformers # 1 (5th Print). Transformers # 2 (4th Print). Transformers # 3 (3rd Print). Transformers # 4 (2nd Print). Void Rivals # 8.
MARVEL COMICS: Alien: Black White & Blood # 3. Avengers: Twilight # 3 (2nd Print). Captain America # 8. Deadpool # 1. Doctor Strange # 14. Edge Of Spider-Verse # 1 (2nd Print). Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars # 4 (Facsimile Edition). Power Pack: Into The Storm # 4. Spider-Man: Shadow Of The Green Goblin # 1. Spider-Punk: Arms Race # 1 (2nd Print). Star Wars # 45. The Avengers # 12. The Immortal Thor # 9. The Sensational She-Hulk # 7. Vengeance Of The Moon Knight # 4. Venom # 34. X-Men # 33.
DARKHORSE COMICS: Minor Threats: The Fastest Way Down # 1. Mortal Terror # 3. Time Traveler Tales # 5. Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow # 1.
DC COMICS: Batman # 146. Birds Of Prey # 8. Blue Beetle # 8. Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong # 1 (5th Print). Kneel Before Zod # 4. Poison Ivy # 21. Scooby-Doo Where Are You # 127. SHAZAM! # 10. Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum # 3. Superman '78 The Metal Curtain # 6. The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries # 4.
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT: (Disney) Villains Cruella De Vil # 3. Kong: The Great War # 5. Red Sonja: Empire Of The Damned # 1.
IDW PUBLISHING: Beneath The Trees, Where Nobody Sees # 2 (3rd Print). Godzilla vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II # 1. Sonic The Hedgehog: Fang The Hunter # 3.
IMAGE COMICS: Crave # 2 (2nd Print). Crave # 3 (2nd Print). Crave # 5. Deep Cuts # 6. Geiger # 1. Gunslinger # 30. Hack Slash Kill Your Idols # 1. Kaya # 17. Love Everlasting # 14. Redcoat # 1. Rook Exodus # 1. Savage Dragon # 269. The One Hand # 3. The Sacrificers # 7. Transformers # 1 (5th Print). Transformers # 2 (4th Print). Transformers # 3 (3rd Print). Transformers # 4 (2nd Print). Void Rivals # 8.
MARVEL COMICS: Alien: Black White & Blood # 3. Avengers: Twilight # 3 (2nd Print). Captain America # 8. Deadpool # 1. Doctor Strange # 14. Edge Of Spider-Verse # 1 (2nd Print). Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars # 4 (Facsimile Edition). Power Pack: Into The Storm # 4. Spider-Man: Shadow Of The Green Goblin # 1. Spider-Punk: Arms Race # 1 (2nd Print). Star Wars # 45. The Avengers # 12. The Immortal Thor # 9. The Sensational She-Hulk # 7. Vengeance Of The Moon Knight # 4. Venom # 34. X-Men # 33.