The Amazing Spider-Man # 796 (2nd Print)

The Amazing Spider-Man # 796 (2nd Print)

Item# newitem592948254

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: The Amazing Spider-Man # 796 Vol IV (Cover C 2nd Print Black & White Variant). PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics. WRITER(S) Dan Slott. ARTIST: Mike Hawthorne. COVER ARTIST: Alex Ross. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 4 / 18 / 2018. COVER PRICE: $3.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Crime, Sci Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "THREAT LEVEL: RED, Higher Priorities" Pt 3. SUMMARY: You've watched for months as Norman Osborn has scoured the globe for a cure to the genetic tampering that prevents him from becoming the Green Goblin. IN THIS ISSUE...HE FINDS IT! And it spells the worst kind of trouble for your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Spider-Man (Peter Parker).

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