DC's How To Lose A Guy Gardner In 10 Days # 1 (Variant

DC's How To Lose A Guy Gardner In 10 Days # 1 (Variant

Item# newitem625978102

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: How To Lose A Guy Gardner In 10 Days # 1 (Cover C Textless Variant). PUBLISHER: DC Comics. WRITER(S) George Mann, Danny Lore, Kenny Porter, Marguerite Sauvage. ARTIST: Leonardo Rodrigues, Ro Stein, Marguerite Sauvage, Nick Robles. COVER ARTIST: Christian Ward. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 2 / 6 / 2024. COVER PRICE: $9.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Crime, Romance, Sci Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days". "Robots Are Red, Androids Are Blue". "Golden Paris". "Too Many Dates". "Never Been Kissed". "Love's a Stretch". "Say Yes to the Mess". "Date Night". SUMMARY: EIGHT ROM-COM-INSPIRED NEW STORIES ABOUT LOVE—AND TRYING TO FIND IT—IN THE DC UNIVERSE! Romance is rarely a simple affair—love is almost always followed by some sort of conflict. Whether you're Plastic Man twisting yourself into knots trying to please someone, or the Flash traveling back in time to make a catastrophic 50 first dates perfect, or even a lonely robot who just can't seem to find love unless it's mail from a computer screen, like Red Tornado, love actually is…a pain in the 27 dresses. So in the grand tradition of these dating conundrums a la rom-coms of the '90s and '00s, we are proud to present eight new stories about love and trying to find it in this zany world.

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Flash (Wally West), Linda Park-West).

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