Green Lantern # 8 (Sweater Weather Variant)

Green Lantern # 8 (Sweater Weather Variant)

Item# newitem1626569751

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: Green Lantern # 8 Vol VIII (Cover D Textless Card Stock Sweater Weather Variant). PUBLISHER: DC Comics. WRITER(S) Jeremy Adams, Ron Marz. ARTIST: Xermanico, Dale Eaglesham. COVER ARTIST: Tiago Da Silva. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 2 / 13 / 2024. COVER PRICE: $5.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Crime, Sci Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "HOPE NO MORE". "GOOD TALK". SUMMARY: HAL JORDAN VS. THE UNITED PLANETS! After the revelations of what happened on Korugar, Hal discovers the United Planets are consolidating power in the universe by nefarious means, but before he can stop them, representatives of the United Planets Corps have arrived to arrest Hal for unlawful use of emotional spectrum energy in a quarantined zone!

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Green Lantern (John Stewart), Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz), Green Lantern (Guy Gardener), Green Lantern (Sojourner Mullein).

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