New Fantastic Four # 3 (Variant)

New Fantastic Four # 3 (Variant)

Item# newitem578274930

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: New Fantastic Four # 3 (Cover B Variant). PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics. WRITER(S) Peter David. ARTIST: Alan Robinson. COVER ARTIST: Marcus To. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 8 / 3 / 2022. COVER PRICE: $3.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Sci-Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "HELL IN A HANDBASKET" Pt 3. SUMMARY: Chaos erupts in Sin City as Asmodeus’ demonic influence spreads...and the New Fantastic Four are caught in the thick of it! With Ghost Rider M.I.A., it’s up to Wolverine, Hulk and Spider-Man to face off against a demonically possessed Human Torch. But can they defeat him without killing him? Plus: A house call from Dr. Strange!

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, Wolverine, The Hulk (Joe Fixit).

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