Power Girl # 2 (Incentive Variant)

Power Girl # 2 (Incentive Variant)

Item# newitem616802549

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: Power Girl # 2 Vol III (Cover E Incentive Textless Card Stock Variant). 1:50. PUBLISHER: DC Comics. WRITER(S) Leah Williams. ARTIST: Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira. COVER ARTIST: Laura Braga. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 10 / 24 / 2023. PRICE: $65.00. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Sci Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "WORK TRIP" SUMMARY: OUT OF METROPOLIS, ON A ROAD TRIP! As a Kryptonian virus rapidly spreads along the coast, Power Girl departs Metropolis looking to redeem herself for her catastrophic mistakes. It’s not easy being a part of the Super-Family, but Paige has never let the pressure get to her before. She just needs something to punch. And she’s found her target in space pirate and hater of all who hail from Krypton: Amalak!

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Power Girl (Kara Zor-L).

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