She-Hulk # 10 (Variant)

She-Hulk # 10 (Variant)

Item# newitem595745699

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: She-Hulk # 10 Vol IV (Cover B Variant). PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics. WRITER(S) Rainbow Rowell. ARTIST: Luca Maresca. COVER ARTIST: David Talaski. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 2 / 22 / 2023. COVER PRICE: $3.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Crime, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "SHE-HULK" SUMMARY: After the most intense issue in She-Hulk history, it’s time for the fallout. She-Hulk has experienced more trauma than most… Is this the straw, and is she the camel?

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters).

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