X-Men # 9 (Incentive Virgin Variant)

X-Men # 9 (Incentive Virgin Variant)

Item# newitem654064300

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: X-Men # 9 Vol VII (Cover E Incentive Virgin Variant). 1:50. PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics. WRITER(S) Jed MacKay. ARTIST: Ryan Stegman. COVER ARTIST: Miguel Mercado. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 12 / 26 / 2024. PRICE: $30.00. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Sci-Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "RAID ON GRAYMALKIN" Pt 3. SUMMARY: "RAID ON GRAYMALKIN" PART THREE! Rogue and Cyclops come to blows as emotions come to a head, pitting the two groups of X-Men against one another in a place where their only chance for survival is to stand together. Xavier's dream lies shattered - and broken edges always draw blood.

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Cyclops (Scott Summers).

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