The Amazing Spider-Man # 2

The Amazing Spider-Man # 2

Item# newitem592891998

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: The Amazing Spider-Man # 2 (Vol III). PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics. WRITER(S) Dan Slott. ARTIST: Humberto Ramos. COVER ARTIST: Humberto Ramos. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 5 / 21 / 2014. COVER PRICE: $3.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Crime, Sci Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: " SUMMARY: Electro's power is out of control! And only one person can fix it... ...the Superior Spider-Man! Wait. This book's the AMAZING Spider-Man now. So we're probably out of luck. Plus: That thing that freaked you out last issue? There's more on that. The return of you-know-who? There's MUCH more on that. Action! Drama! Surprises! There's MORE OF EVERYTHING!

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Electro (Max Dillon).

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