The Flash # 14

The Flash # 14

Item# newitem648701362

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: The Flash # 14 (Vol VI). PUBLISHER: DC Comics. WRITER(S) Si Spurrier. ARTIST: Vasco Georgiev. COVER ARTIST: Mike Deodato Jr.. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 10 / 23 / 2024. COVER PRICE: $3.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Crime, Sci Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "AS ABOVE" SUMMARY: Wally, Linda, and the kids come together in the wake of the losses suffered to heal as a family and figure out their new abilities. While this family trip has a unique destination — Skartaris, in the center of the Earth — Wally's begun an evolution into a new form, and he's not ready to share that with the rest of the family! (DC All In).

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: The Flash (Barry Allen), Flash (Wally West).

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