Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow # 3

Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow # 3

Item# newitem606184821

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow # 3. PUBLISHER: DC Comics. WRITER(S) Kenny Porter. ARTIST: Jahnoy Lindsay. COVER ARTIST: Jahnoy Lindsay. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 6 / 20 / 2023. COVER PRICE: $3.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Sci Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "THE BIRTH OF CONSPIRACY" Pt 3. " PUNCH IN, PUNCH OUT" Pt 1. SUMMARY: Superboy’s team-up with the Cosmoteers is yielding rocky results. While they’re taking down many of Dominator X’s labs, their team dynamics leave much to be desired. Can this new quartet pull themselves together when Dominator X unleashes his most monstrous creation yet…the hulking Infinity?!

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Superboy (Conner Kent / Kon-El).

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