Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow # 7 (Variant)

Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow # 7 (Variant)

Item# newitem1595907455

Product Description

COMIC BOOK: Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow # 7 (Cover B Textless Variant). PUBLISHER: DC Comics. WRITER(S) Tom King. ARTIST: Bilquis Evely. COVER ARTIST: Nicola Scott. ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 1 / 18 / 2022. COVER PRICE: $4.99. GENRE: Action / Adventure, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Superhero. RATING: Teen +.

STORY TITLE: "HOPE, HELP AND COMPASSION" SUMMARY: It's the moment you've been waiting for…the capture of Krem! With the fugitive in custody, Supergirl must now deal with his allies, the ungodly Brigands! To stop them once and for all, she must leave Ruthye behind with the man who killed her beloved father. Can she trust the young girl to let the villain of our story live long enough to stand trial? Or is this the tragic end of his story and ours?

CHARACTER(S) On The Cover: Supergirl (Kara Zor-El).

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